Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The 2016 US Presidential Elections: An Election the Democrats Can't Afford to Lose

By Jackson W. Nanje
Since 1988, there have been two glaring Presidential (National) elections which the democrats were destined to win but they lost. There were also a couple of local elections which they were equally supposed to win but lost them as well. The investigative findings of Nanje School of Creative Thinking is suggesting that, they lost these elections because the so-called political pundits---the media and the Republican tricksters---led the democrats to believe that their way of thinking would lead them to disaster if some of their policy positions were maintained. We are visiting this topic now while the 2016 Presidential Election is on-going because, we want the Democrat Party to avoid the mistakes of the past from haunting them again. When the so-called party bigwigs advise candidates running for various democratic offices to abandon policy statements, positions, and personalities that have brought remarkable successes to the party, they only help to disfranchise party loyalists and myrmidons of these abandoned personalities whom they have always liked.
     Some have said that Republicans win elections when the turn-out or the democratic base decide to stay at home and not vote. And that they (democrats) win when the turn-out is massive. Democrat Presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, has made this point repeatedly during his campaign outings. What he and others have failed to understand and to address is, why do these potential voters, especially minority voters, stay at home. This is what our investigators have uncovered as we seek truth to power.  
     The American electoral system can no longer overlook the exponentially growing minority segment of its population vis-à-vis their participation in either state or national elections. The population of Hispanics and Blacks have become vitally decisive to any candidate in elections nowadays. But while it is true that when the Hispanics and Blacks stay back at home, it unequivocally helps the Republicans and hurts the Democrats. By unlocking the mystery this time around will help the Democrats retain the Whitehouse which the Republicans are desperate to have in order to draconically complete the transformation of America.
     The following investigative analyses explain the reasons why the Hispanics and Blacks stay home.

                  The Michael Dukakis and Rev. Jessie Jackson Factor
In 1988, the Massachusetts’s Governor, Michael Dukakis (white), ran a fierce campaign against the Reverend Jessie Jackson (black). It was unclear who was going to be the Democrat candidate
Rev. Jessie Jackson
to face the Republican candidate, George H. Bush. The 1988 elections was the closest a black presidential candidate came to becoming the front runner, and to represent the Democrat Party, ever in the history of this country. The expectations of black voters were fired up and they believed that even if their candidate did not secure the Democrat nomination, a Vice Presidency could have been a better way of appreciating their efforts. The stage was set for the Democrat Party at the Democrat Convention held in Atlanta, which is one of the largest black cities in the United States of America. The dancers were all present but the musician failed to show up. The Democrat Party picked Michael Dukakis as their candidate of choice in the 1988 Presidential Election to compete against the Republican candidate, George H. Bush. Reverend Jessie Jackson was not only thrown behind the
Michael Dukakis
bus, something which is akin to the Republican Party, but he was embarrassed in front of his own people. He was thrown out of his house (Atlanta) by the democrat party. Michael Dukakis then selected Lloyd Bernstein as his Vice Presidential running mate, keeping Jessie Jackson further away from the party. This shear rejection by the party of Jessie caused the blacks, who had hopes of the second spot. This act of disrespect of Jessie Jackson resulted in the black population staying away from the National Election Their rejection of the party gave the less sophisticated George H. Bush the presidency.
     They (black voters) could have stayed away from the Democrat Party for good if the policies of the Republican Party were inviting. Bush continued the disastrous Reaganomics policies which were quite harmful to the black population and when a charismatic Bill Clinton emerged as a candidate for the Democrat Party four years later Black voters were swayed towards his friendlier policies towards them.
                      The Bill Clinton and Al Gore Factor
     President Bill Clinton’s policies uplifted and gave hope to the minority population. And after his eight (8) years tenure in office for which he received tremendous minority support, his Vice President, Al Gore, a natural successor to the office, decided to distance himself away from him and his lofty policies that had brought relief to the disfranchised minority population. It is true that President Clinton’s sexual escapades were an embarrassment to the oval office, but his policies were not. Presidential candidate, Al Gore, who could have been the last man standing beside him and to campaign vigorously on his policies which were the direct result of America’s
Al Gore
prosperity, distanced himself away from him. Where he could have found a way to eloquently tell the success stories of President Bill Clinton’s economic policies in order to enable him win the National Elections. Instead, he abandoned a man whose shortcomings were somewhat excused by majority of American females who believed that the Men in Congress who were impeaching him were themselves victims of same crime. They were right, because so many of the Republicans resigned from congress when their own sexual escapades were uncovered by Larry Lynch.
Al Gore lost the elections because he'd alienated minority voters (Blacks and women), who were still very loyal to President Bill Clinton. They too refused to come out and vote democratic causing the Republicans to win in the 2000 Presidential Elections.
                Obama and the 2014 Democrat Candidates Factor
     President Obama will arguably go down in the annals of American Presidential history as one of the best presidents, if not, the best. Like most Democrat Presidents who succeed their Republican coimterpart, he was left with a dirty Whitehouse and country to clean up. President George W. Bush had sullied the economy of the United States in his eight years as president and, it was at the verge of massive depression. President Obama's policies virtually changed the misfortunes which were bound the United States and it would be insane for anyone not to embrace his enigmatic policies. Yes, the Republicans succeeded in telling American Democrats during the Mid-term elections that, running on President Obama’s ‘failed’ economic policies was a recipe to disaster. They believed the Republican rhetoric and virtual every single democrat running in  the Mid-term elections distanced themselves from policies they ought to have embraced. As a consequence, they all lost.
     But why did they lose? The lost because the minority voters, who have now become the deciders of elections, decided again not to embrace all the candidates who’d refused to embrace the successful policies of President Obama. Another hard lesson learnt by democrat candidates and Democrat Party as we all hope that such an insipid miscalculation shall never again be replicated by this party.
 And now,
           The Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Factor
     It appears that Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton, who has been around quite for sometimes now, has learnt the lessons of the past. She has smartly embraced the policies of President Obama and has made everyone (especially minority voters) to believe that candidate
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders is distancing himself from the president's successful economic policies. While it is evident that her quick rush to embrace and run virtually on President Obama’s successes with slight modifications where improvement of his policies are necessary, there is a caveat for her not to make the beloved Bernie Sanders a stranger to the party.
     Hillary Clinton may be the Establishment candidate, but Bernie Sanders has brought a lightning excitement to Presidential politics arguably slightly better than that of Candidate Barak Obama. It is this excitement that the Democrat Party and Front runner, Clinton, should be careful not replicate the errors of the past, prone to the Democrat Party, and lose the elections which in my opinion, is over.  
          Knowing that she will win the primary elections and become the candidate to face the
Bernie Sanders
Republican candidate in the General Election, her incisiveness should warrant her to bring Bernie Sanders to the drawing board and ask him what he wants and give it to him. What the Democrats must avoid is a disgruntled Bernie. If we get a disgruntled Bernie coming out of the Democrat Convention, we are finished. His followers who will not want him to be dissatisfied, may just walk away and Bernie’s fears of the democrats losing the National election if they stay at home may have come to fruition. So, give Bernie what he wants and keep his voting block together. This shall be a nightmare to the Republican Party in November. This will be a win win for the Democrat party if we are in tact going to the convention, and speaking with one voice after the convention. The obituary of the Republican Party and their candidate, has been written.


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